Thursday, May 8, 2014

Post game fall out of Hooker Road Trip

Read more:

[note  has interview with fringe racist American Free Press]
[Particularly annoying one with Halbig whining his calls aren't returned.  Great comment:

hahahahaha, is that it.
Halbig collected all that money from people to go to Newtown and say the same crap he has been saying for the past 2 years.
He didn't do a damn thing, he actually admitted something happened. LOL, he scammed you people.
I know you are going to try and delete my comment again, but I'll keep coming back.
Your man took people's money, went to Sandy Hook, and did nothing.
Hell they basically said it did happen. LOL


More photos![by Jim Lathier]:

spreading paranoia

Halbig Bothers Someone

Halbig annoys cop, not arrested

Michelle Murphey aka Microwave Lady
Dave Williams, plugs American Free Press

Final word on the Hooker team:


  1. HA HA HA HA

    Hookers fail again.

  2. So these photos are just on Facebook?

    1. Not any more, lol!

    2. We get the impression these pics were supposed to be for proving their investigation was thwarted. (spooky X-files music). What they actually show is the Hooker gang being treated with far more civility than they deserve.

  3. NBC might have dumped them but they made it to BrasscheckTV:

    1. "James Henry Fetzer shared a link.
      about an hour ago
      Wolf and I and others confront the Newtown School Board about the Sandy Hook event.
      Sandy Hook Calling the Sandy Hook School Board on its incomprehensible bullshit"

      Except they didn't. They never said no children died. They never accused the board of being complicit. In fact, because the board barely said anything, even the claim they were pushing bullshit is feeble.

      Hookers Fail Forever.
      That is all.

  4. You are the Sandy hookers? Is this the best you can do? May I suggest that you contact your supervisor and tell him/her that you have failed. Badly. But you might not have the guts. But you have the money.

  5. Dickenson Drive was blocked, very quickly, by both parents and state troopers flooding to the scene.

    To Newtown PD's credit, none of their vehicles seem to be the problem.

    FBI Dir. Comey stated last week that lives were saved at Faifield High by having identified problems at Sandy Hook--and the problem he specifically referenced was the failure of responding agencies to take command of keeping the ambulance routes clear.

    In addition, there seems to be a gap between when the first ambulances left with patients (one ambulance had to double up), and before regional replacement rigs arrived. Unfortunately, that gap may be as long as half an hour.

    In light of this new information, we must reexamine the claim that all 24 injured victims remaining inside the school were 100% beyond help.

    1. Er, so what are you saying? Sandy Hook needs to be re investigated because people did die?

    2. The emergency response was a mess, and in order to properly understand what went wrong, that has to be acknowledged, investigated, and fully understood. The current administration in the state of Connecticut has shown itself incapable or unwilling to conduct a proper investigation; what is needed is an independent commission, something akin to the House Select Committee on Assassination which reopened the Kennedy case and made at least some progress in sorting through the facts, with less bias, ultimately coming to a different conclusion that the Warren Commission.
