Friday, March 7, 2014

Linked at Facebook on Pier's Morgan Live

Apparently a Hooker called Tommy was spreading the bad word on the Pier's Morgan Live Facebook page.

Tommy Castillo posted a link to PiersMorgan Live's timeline.
Mr. Halbig’s response is demand for criminal arrests of “leaders” involved in Sandy Hook based on rational embrace of the public...
 Like · · Share · March 5 at 11:23am
 The Hooker blog is called "Washington's Blog" and the blog post was written by Carl Herman.  He seems to be very, very excited about political "game changers".  The blog has multiple contributors with links to a medly of politics mostly left, but a couple with wacky woo, like the conspiracy website and the Anti Semitic cesspool "What Really Happened" run by Mike Rivero.  Back in 2002 Rivero's website was connected to some questionable business dealings, as well as being responsible for spreading a vicious, inflammatory, political lie:
More troubling was this brazen misquote caught by sharp-eyed blogger, Damian Penny:
20.5.02This is long overdue, but CAMERA, a pro-Israel media watchdog, has confirmed that Ariel Sharon's "We, the Jewish people, control America" quote is a hoax.
(I sent this article to Michael Rivero, who repeats the quote 5 or 6 times a day. Let's see if he responds.)

No surprise people still plugging these woo websites have fallen for the Hooker crap.
Cue for upstanding fan Roni to set Hooker Tommy linking to this blog. 
March 5 at 11:48am · Like · 1

While lukewarmly received, we're not sad.  The Hookers aren't trending like they were and if they do, peeps like Roni will keep our search results high.

Thanks for the plug.

1 comment:

  1. "Washingtons Blog" has a long history with 911 woo. It's first incarnation was at and run by a lawyer. Now they have a team of CTs working the woo.
